For us, it has always been about Jesus.

Nothing less. Nothing more.



He is the Son of God. Having been conceived by the Holy Spirit, He was born to earthly parents just like us. While on earth, he lived a sinless life, even though just like us he was faced with temptation. Though He was without sin, He paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross. Three days later, He rose from the dead with ultimate power. After His resurrection, He ascended to heaven and today He is seated on the throne of God. Jesus promised that one day He would return to earth, and when He does, He will take His rightful place as King of heaven and earth. It is through His willingness and obedience that all who believe in Him can experience victory on earth and spend eternity in heaven.

Yes, Jesus is more than a myth. He is our Savior, our hope, our friend.