
All of our messages are Biblical and point our listeners towards Jesus. His love and the sacrificial offering of His life is the driving force behind each message.


From Rags to Riches

Rags to riches is a familiar expression that is used to describe someone's rise from extreme poverty to great wealth. And though we are quite familiar with famous rags to riches stories such as Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry and Jim Carrey, today, we have another story that deals with a specific group of people who with some help were able to overcome their past and rise to success despite the odds against them. This is the rags to riches story of all believers who have achieved victory through the sacrificial giving of the Lord Jesus Christ. Happy Easter! 2 Corinthians 8:9


Seasons Do Change

The announcement of the President-elect Biden and Madam Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is a beautiful reminder that “Seasons Do Change.” If you are in a season of despair and disappointment, well go ahead and prepare because “Seasons Do Change!”



Fight Until the Finish

What a powerful word to not give up; instead use faith to fight until the finish! 2 Timothy 4:1-8


Your Day of Redemption is Nigh

So many bad things have happened to you. It's time for some good things to come your way. Go ahead and sing the songs of Zion for "Your Day of Redemption is Nigh!”

Psalm 137:4

God Is Doing Something New

How God is about to bless you will supersede any blessing He has ever manifested in your life. This video was intentionally unedited for your receptivity. Isaiah 43:18-19


There is Help & Hope in Jesus Our High Priest

While in the midst of dealing with the coronavirus, the world was dealt another blow on May 25, 2020. Unlike the coronavirus which can infect the respiratory system, this blow…this repeated blow of hatred and white supremacy has infected the soul of America for way too long. Where is comfort for us today? Where is hope for people of color (and advocates of people of color) who are forced to carry this load upon their already heavy-laden shoulders. As a believer, we must utilize our faith to transport us from a place of hopelessness to hopefulness because "There Is Hope & Help in Jesus Christ our High Priest."


Go With What You Know

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is a word of advice to not bother something that is already working. Why change what you know has been proven? As a believer, if you know that fasting works, then why deviate from it.? If you know that prayer works, then why deviate from it? Go With What You Know!


He Loosed Who He Loved

Through His blood, Jesus loosed us from the power and influence of sin. Therefore we no longer have to follow in the path of sin (Revelation 1:5)


Washed In His Blood

Jesus has freed His Church from the power of sin through His blood (Revelation 1:5)


The Power of the Experience

As a believer when we base our relationship with God solely on what others have experienced of Him, then we limit our perspective of God and hinder who He wants to be to us.


Therefore, Go…

Nothing stopped Jesus, therefore, nothing will be able to stop you from answering the high Call that God has purposed for your life. Therefore, Go…


There is Purpose for Your Pain

Using Jesus as our example, we want to destroy the assumed notion that the suffering of the righteous is always linked to sin. Perhaps, there is a divine assignment attached to what you are going through. Be encouraged for there is purpose for your pain.

Are You in Compliance?

This is a message of reflection & introspection, which places a demand upon all believers to check themselves to see if their character measures up to God’s standard of holiness. Don’t be the Christian who exits the church building, only to enter the gates of hell.


“What the Enemy Meant for Your Bad, God Will Work It for Your Good”


“What the Enemy Meant for Your Bad, God will Work it for Your Good” is a message of hope during these unprecedented times of coronavirus and social distancing. Despite everything that is going on, we know that God remains in control.

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