Do You Believe in Jesus?
If not, the process is probably much simpler than you think.
Let us simplify Romans 10:9 for you using ABC.
Admit you have sinned. Even if you consider yourself to be the nicest person in the world, the truth is, at some point you have sinned. Regardless of how big or small the sin may have been, it is important for you to admit it. After all, Jesus is the only perfect person we know.
Believe that Jesus was born into this world with you on His mind. He died and rose from the grave so you could have total access to all of God’s promises.
Commit your life to living for Jesus. He is our example on how to do it. Let’s be honest…some days it is easy, while other days it can be pretty tough. But through His Spirit, He gives us strength and power to honor our commitment.
Don’t Stop There! Get Baptized.
Water baptism is the next step in your spiritual journey. It is a public profession of your belief in Jesus, as well as your commitment to Him, Not only was Jesus baptized but He also commanded all believers to be baptized too.
Now, Let’s Grow Together.
Spiritual growth is vital to Christian living. It enables us to become mature believers, who are less likely to fall for the lies of the world. Growth happens in many ways but none as essential as regular church attendance. The community and connection that comes forth when we gather together, not only encourages us but strengthens us along our Christian journey.
Finally, It is Time to Serve!
This is the moment we have been waiting for. Now that you are a mature follower of Jesus Christ, it is time to use your gifts and talents to help others to become mature. And guess what, we offer many ways for you to be promoted through service.