Service Is Not What We Do. It Is Who We Are.
Though Jesus was in the form of God while in heaven, life was much different for Him when He came into the world. Being born of a woman, like you and I, He came in the form of a servant. With a humble heart, He served those around Him; ultimately, sacrificing His life that we may receive eternal life. What an excellent reminder that we, too, are called to a life of service!
Will You Serve With Us?
When we serve the Church, which is the Body of Christ, we use our gifts, talents and callings to honor God, while expressing His heart to others. No matter how big or small your service may seem to you, what really matters is that it could be the one thing that propels someone’s life in a different direction. All it takes is one act of service performed through a humble heart. We have many opportunities to serve so follow after Jesus’ example and make a lasting impact on those around you too.
You Name It, We Need It!
Trust us! We have room for your service. You name it, we need it!
Children’s Ministry
Intercessory Prayer
Praise & Worship Team
Ushers & Greeters
Outreach & Missions
Security & Parking
Welcome Team
Media & Music